Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dear Last Chance Chapel, friends, and family

    Thank you for all your prayers and support. Things have been busy here. Started back at my work teaching, doing various things like paying bills and etc. I came back to sort of a winter here as you can see the snow on my car. Had to do shaken on my car. It is a manditory inspection on all cars here in Japan held every two years. A big chunk of money I had to pay. Most of the Japanese people have to do it this year. My students are doing well. My junior high school students are taking their tests that determine the senior high school that they will attend. It is a very important test that they have to take. I have been studying Japanese recently for about two hours every single day. Feels like my head is going to fall off. I am doing this so that I can be an example to the English students that I teach and so I can effectively communicate the Gospel to the Japanese people. So with two hours of book studying and talking and communicating with the Japanese people day by day, it is a lot of work. Someday, I'll be able to express myself effectively in Japanese.

 Joseph came back with his family and is settling back in. It is good to have some family here as I don't feel like I'm doing this work of being a missionary alone. Both churches (Hari church and Life Song church) are getting ready for the repairing of the siding of the church. Also they are preparing for the team that is coming from America to help out. Everyone is excited and getting busy. Please continue to pray for Japan and my students. Also that there will be revival in Japan and many people will come to know the Lord as their Savior. God bless...

John Cathcart

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dear Last Chance Chapel, friends, and family

    Thank you for all your prayers and support. Sorry for posting late. I have been busy and also had a computer crash recently. Things have been going good. We recently had a church picnic and we are enjoying the fall in Japan. My brother preached this Sunday at Hari church. It was a good message. Classes are going good. I have made a lot of acquaintances over the years here living in Japan. Made lot of friends in the hometown where I live and friends at the gym that I attend at. I'm learning what it is like teaching at a high school here in Japan. Very challenging. I hope that there will be someway that I can share the gospel with my students there in the high school. My junior high school students from my private class in the Hari church will be choosing a new high school to go to next year. I may be losing that class next year. Not sure if it will continue. It will be a sad time. I have been teaching them for I believe six years. Please keep them in your prayers as not all of them are saved yet and also that the Lord will guide them in their life. Please keep praying that all my students would get saved and that there will be a revival in Japan. God bless...

 John Cathcart

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Dear Last Chance Chapel, friends, and family

    Thank you for all your prayers and support. Sorry for posting so late. I've been busy. It has been very humid in Japan. I've been spending my weeks studying Japanese, working out and teaching English classes. Things are going well with my classes. I still wish my students would open their hearts to the Lord, but I guess it just takes time. People seem to be opening up to me recently. Maybe, I am getting better in this language. 

Our church in Hari, Japan recently had a barbecue this last Sunday. We had a great time of fellowship and the food was great too. Also, a good friend of my family (Bill Cook) came to church that day. It was great to see him. He lived in Japan before over 50 years. A great man of God.

Some prayer requests: I would like some prayer for finances, prayer for my students salvation, and that I will be able to achieve fluency in the Japanese language. The church in Hari and in Tenri also needs prayer for finances and that we would have more members that would come.  I work at a junior and senior high school at the moment, but I am not allowed to share the Gospel in those classes. Pray that there will be a way that I could witness and tell the students about Jesus. Thanks and God bless... :)

John Cathcart


Friday, May 20, 2016

Dear Last Chance Chapel, friends and family

    Thank you for all your prayers and support. Sorry for posting so late. I have been busy. Things are going good here. I just recently started a new
English teaching job at a high school. My dad came over to visit me here in Japan.  Also got back together with a friend from a long time ago. As far
as my students accepting the gospel, it is still going slow. They still need to be in our prayers. I will keep perservering. God bless... :)

John Cathcart

P.S I spend my days studying Japanese and also studying grammar since now I'm teaching at a high school. I really hope to be a good influence there at the school. My private classes are going well, but teaching the younger kids can be stressful at times. The way discipline is handled here is totally different. For the most part, I feel like I am just babysitting the kids. I go to a gym nearby the Tenri church and train really hard. I have made a lot of friends there. Someday, I hope they would come to church. For now I just hope that I am a good Christian influence on them. I am also taking part in Sunday school for the kids on Sunday. I was asked to teach recently. I may be asked to teach more times. Please pray for my Japanese ability. :)

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dear Last Chance Chapel, friends, and family

    Thank you for all your prayers and support. Things are going well here. It did take some time adjusting back to being in Japan. I recently got a cell
phone so now I can keep in contact with my students. Trying to study the language more here and be more communicative with the Japanese
people. Please continue to pray for my students that their hearts will be open to the Word of God. Pray that the Hari church will increase in
members coming to the church and that we will have a big impact on the community there. Thanks and God bless... :)

John Cathcart

Monday, November 9, 2015